Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → errCode
Débuté par LS, 24 sep. 2008 01:55 - 3 réponses
Posté le 24 septembre 2008 - 01:55
Hello all,
I've searched the windev help and the forum. But I can't to find an answer on getting the default messages of errors and exceptions, preferably a list of all of them. :) At the moment I'm working on custom handling of printing errors, like;
210044- What happened?
Page header of "%ReportName%" report is too large: it cannot be printed.
Thanks in advance
Posté le 24 septembre 2008 - 01:54
Hi Lennart,
The problem is in the message "Report header to long".
I think the you have to check if you are printing on the right printer ?
Maybe your standard printer is changed the some other printer ? ;-)

Regards Harry.
Posté le 24 septembre 2008 - 01:56
Is the only possible way to find out the errMessage by errCode using wdint? I don't want to translate the errormessages, it's just for handling some of the errors/exceptions...
Just like .net/delphi/java try,catch,finally blocks. But if I don't know which exception can occur, I can't handle them properly. The help provides a few errorcodes, but not all of them.
So if anyone knows where I should be looking, please let me know.
Posté le 24 septembre 2008 - 17:41
Hi Lennart,


The problem is in the message "Report header to long".

>I think the you have to check if you are printing on the right printer ?

Maybe your standard printer is changed the some other printer ? ;-)


>Regards Harry.

Yes I'm fully aware of what the problem is with the example errCode I gave. But this wasn't the question.

You can easily find out what kind of exceptions can be thrown if you use the .Net Convert class, which is an InvalidCastException. But I can't find anything like that in the help file of WinDev. As I recall correctly the only errCodes mentioned in the windev helpfile have something to do with HyperFiles.