Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → BUG ? Default values in temp tables
BUG ? Default values in temp tables
Débuté par Fred Blum, 07 oct. 2004 12:41 - Aucune réponse
Posté le 07 octobre 2004 - 12:41
I have a problem with the default numeric values of a temp table.

First a query is used to empty the table completely. All records are
deleted. After that the table is filled again. And several subsequent
queries update specific fields. To end up with 1 table that holds all
necessary data. However if there is no value to update a numeric field with,
the default value isn't zero but it looks like the last value of the last
record perviously deleted!

In the analysis file description a default value of 0,00 is entered.
Deleting the table all together corrects the problem. But it shouldn't be
necessary. Is there an explenation or workaround?



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