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Re: What was it?
Débuté par Daniel Ramirez, 08 aoû. 2003 10:11 - Aucune réponse
Posté le 08 août 2003 - 10:11
>What was the workaround?

Not the kind I was formerly looking for, I used a programed function from the USER library/executable that exports the files to a dBase file, and from there I was able to see the current structure, sadly it doesn't gives me information about the modified relationships... so, I will have to follow the program to detect where it fails and fix it.
I tried a program called THE RIPPER (downloaded from WinDev Asso) but the analisis (WDD) that it returned to me from the USER library, is not recognized by WD 5.5 nor 7.5, so I will have to do it the hard way.