Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → Displaying Chinese text on Table (WinDev 8)
Displaying Chinese text on Table (WinDev 8)
Débuté par Sheshagiri V, 05 déc. 2005 12:20 - 1 réponse
Posté le 05 décembre 2005 - 12:20
We are using WinDev 8 licensed version. We are unable to display Chinese Characters on a Table Control. Could anyone help us to display chinese text on a table.

We have a text file which has Chinese characters in it. We need to extract the contents from the text file and display the chinese characters in the Table. The text file is saved in Unicode format.

This is a very high priority requirement for us and we would like you to help us on the same.

Which API can be used to read the Unicode characters from the text file and display them directly on a table? Please help...

Thanks in advance

Posté le 21 décembre 2005 - 13:22
Hello.. please help me out anybody...