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generating RAD : type of programming
Débuté par Teun van Unen, 22 déc. 2005 09:28 - 1 réponse
Posté le 22 décembre 2005 - 09:28
Here a newbie question again.
When generating RAD-code one of the questions is 'what type of Generated Code' you want with 3 options :
- Simplified
- Procedural
- Object Oriented with/without Local Procedures
Can somebody give a simplified description in a procedural way for an Magic/Cobol/Basic/Pascal Oriented developer what's the best way to use in what situation ? (pfff, this cost also a lot of thinking)
Thank you in advance,
Posté le 22 décembre 2005 - 11:16
You can mix and match.
I tend to use procedural to get full function, OOP cuts out some usability and make you make objects.
From your starting point, I would suggest to use procedural and use OOP when you are using something from an example (like planning tables).
Simplified is a simplified Procedural RAD, without all the inbuilt bells and whistles in the code that can be confusing to new users.
To be really truthfull, I no longer use RAD, just make windows with the wizard as required. It's a real option once you get to know the code.
Gone for a Maccas
Here a newbie question again.
When generating RAD-code one of the questions is 'what type of Generated Code' you want with 3 options :
- Simplified
- Procedural
- Object Oriented with/without Local Procedures
Can somebody give a simplified description in a procedural way for an Magic/Cobol/Basic/Pascal Oriented developer what's the best way to use in what situation ? (pfff, this cost also a lot of thinking)
Thank you in advance,