Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → HFSQL unique key ignores period character
HFSQL unique key ignores period character
Débuté par ClaudeHullq, 04 sep. 2022 19:19 - 2 réponses
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10 messages
Posté le 04 septembre 2022 - 19:19
Database item "Ref" is 15 character string assigned as Unique key with index and search parameters set to "Case sensitive, Space, punctuation, special character sensitive"

BUT with a previously entered "1.11" in the Ref column, a subsequent attempt to enter "11.1" triggers a "Duplicate key" error.
Indeed, search in the Ref column for "11.1" locates "1.11".
Reindexing, rebooting, nothing seems to fix this.

It behaves as though the period character doesn't exist and sees both "1.11" and "11.1' as "111".

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Popularité : +2 (2 votes)
Posté le 05 septembre 2022 - 10:56
Hi Claude,
which version are you using?
I tried with 27 (01A270103s) and it works...

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10 messages
Posté le 09 septembre 2022 - 22:42
Andrea, I'm using 27 mobile. Another observation is that HFSQL in Android works with one database 5MB in size, but a second 140MB which works in the PC simulator mode, but (while it opens without error) in Android, and HFirst without a problem, fails on HRecNum.
rn = HRecNum(SDB)

Is there a size limitation with HFSQL in Android?