Accueil → WINDEV Mobile 2024 → Strange message returned by ExceptionInfo(), ErrorInfo(), HErrorInfo(), etc.
Strange message returned by ExceptionInfo(), ErrorInfo(), HErrorInfo(), etc.
Débuté par HIS 21, 03 oct. 2016 10:48 - Aucune réponse
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12 messages
Posté le 03 octobre 2016 - 10:48
Good Morning everybody,

I have a annoying problem when I use, for example, the ExceptionInfo() function:

the string containing the description of the problem always contain "<!s!>" instead of the name of server or of table.

For example, I have this string returned by ExceptionInfo() after an error caused by a wrong HOpen() function call:

HOpen function called.
Communication with <!s!> server failed.
The comunication was closed.

Is there a way to get correct error message?

Thanks for your answers.
Message modifié, 03 octobre 2016 - 10:49