Accueil → WINDEV Mobile 2024 → WM doesnt shows itineraries larger than 10 positions
WM doesnt shows itineraries larger than 10 positions
Débuté par Charles D, 28 oct. 2016 00:09 - 3 réponses
Posté le 28 octobre 2016 - 00:09
Hello everyone.

I bought a premium plan to be able to display itineraries larger than 10 positions but WM doesnt let me yet, as if the API key was standard.

I talked to the Google Cloud Support and they said the API key is correctly associated with my Premium Plan project and that the premium benefits are indeed active (I gave them my API key to check it).

To replicate the issue:
I put a map control, created a geoPosition array with 11 geoPositions inside of it, also created a button to call the MapAddItinerary method and then generated the app, puting the API key where the wizzard requested it.

I run the app but It doesnt displays the Itinerary; but when I go to the Google API key administrator (in console.developers.google.com) it says I've requested the google maps service via the API key

What am I missing in the configuration?

Thank you, I hope you can help me.
Posté le 28 octobre 2016 - 18:45
After some tests I've noticed something:

1- If the itinerary has 10 or less positions It is correctly displayed.

2- If the itinerary has 11 or more positions it is now shown.

3- If I use the itineraryManual mode, it doesnt matter how many positions do de itinerary have, it will be displayed.

Heres a way to reproduce the thing:

1- Create a map control, dont rename it just leave it the way it is
2- create a buton
3- in the button put the next code:

uno is geoPosition
uno.Latitude = 32.6626438
uno.Longitude = -115.4333367

uno1 is geoPosition
uno1.Latitude = 32.6628335
uno1.Longitude = -115.4291846

uno2 is geoPosition
uno2.Latitude = 32.6624203
uno2.Longitude = -115.4272534

uno3 is geoPosition
uno3.Latitude = 32.6618874
uno3.Longitude = -115.4259981

uno4 is geoPosition
uno4.Latitude = 32.6613572
uno4.Longitude = -115.424787

uno5 is geoPosition
uno5.Latitude = 32.6604886
uno5.Longitude = -115.423181

uno6 is geoPosition
uno6.Latitude = 32.6594905
uno6.Longitude = -115.4215332

uno7 is geoPosition
uno7.Latitude = 32.6571624
uno7.Longitude = -115.4185425

uno8 is geoPosition
uno8.Latitude = 32.6551709
uno8.Longitude = -115.4184091

uno9 is geoPosition
uno9.Latitude = 32.6549292
uno9.Longitude = -115.4197392

uno10 is geoPosition
uno10.Latitude = 32.6533304
uno10.Longitude = -115.419762

uno11 is geoPosition
uno11.Latitude = 32.6626438
uno11.Longitude = -115.4333367

arrYs is array of geoPosition

sRuta is string = MapAddItinerary(MAP_NoName1,arrYs,itineraryCarNotOptimized)
MAP_NoName1..Zoom = 13

Now just execute it.

In my case it will not display the itinerary (Because its using the itineraryCarNotOptimized mode) but if you switch it to the itineraryManual mode it will be shown.

What can I do? Is this a bug or what?

Posté le 31 octobre 2016 - 17:50
Have anyone ever used a premium plan with WM?
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Posté le 04 novembre 2016 - 10:35
Hi Charles,

I can see that lat/long of 1st one is exactly the same than 11th.

So, may ba 11th point is above the 1st and it is displayed but, of course, you cant' see it.

