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Looper Control and Android
Débuté par BOOMER ( Penn State, 20 oct. 2012 00:45 - 2 réponses
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2 messages
Posté le 20 octobre 2012 - 00:45
Might be a newbe question here, but does anyone know how to do a LooperSelect() function (works with IOS) in the android configuration. LooperSelect doesn't appear in context sensitive help and throws compile error if you just type it in anyway. Spent last 2 days trying to get index of Selected Item in looper on the android side.
Posté le 31 octobre 2012 - 15:27

I don't develop for Android but I'd like to ask - because your message concerns iOS looper - if you have encountered the problem with displaying a looper? It is a problem that persists for months and PC SOFT gave no solution for it, when we ask for the fix, they answer speaking about something else or they say - sorry, no fix yet.

Posté le 28 août 2013 - 22:33
Maybe a bit late, but in WinDev Mobile version 18 you have LooperSelectPlus(loopername, startrow, endrow) and it works for android (not only in the emulator, also in the AVD's and the mobiles (except Android 4.0.4)).

The helpfile says: "The subscript of the selected row is returned by LooperSelect." So, it looks like LooperSelect is a returning value. Tried with adding the 'plus'?

Kind regards