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Android application (How to get sqllite data off and into Hyperfile)
Iniciado por Bob R, abr., 29 2011 10:48 AM - 2 respostas
Publicado em abril, 29 2011 - 10:48 AM
Any ideas on how to get data from a sqllite database (WinDev Mobile v16 Android Application) to a remote Hyperfile database server?

Requirement: The application collects data all day and then at the end of the day the data collected is sent to a Hyperfile Database for permament storage and further processing. The data has no requirement to stay on the Android device once transferred.

Sorry if this is silly question, I am a noob to WinDev mobile and specifically Android.
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3 mensagems
Publicado em agosto, 18 2011 - 11:36 AM
Hello Bob,

I am trying to acheive the exact same thing (also new to Android/WD Mobile). Did you manage to acheive this?


Publicado em setembro, 07 2011 - 7:05 PM

I did but certainly not the way I expected. I have two needs. The first is to get daily transactions from Android devices in the field. The second is to feed the Android device route information for the next days collections.

My hope was a simple synchronization scenario. Maybe that is possible but nobody seems to know how to do it. Time is money and my client wanted action not excuses.

So here is what I did. I am using sockets to accomplish the daily transactions. On the Android device, I use a looper control and basically put each transaction into a delimited string encrypt it and send it to the server. On the server side using a threaded socket application written in WinDev, I decrypt it, decode it, and insert the records into a SQL database. This works well.

For the other step which is setting the routing up. I basically have a process that creates the SQlite databases by route ID. I then use FTP on the Android side to get the database. This works but seems a little primitive.

If something better comes along then I will bring it up with the client. For now it all works and I got paid!

By the way getting data on and off an Android device is not just a WinDev problem. This seems to be a pervasive issue. If you Gooogle around most people talk about HTTP request. If you run Oracle I read they have a Android/Sqlite synching solution built in. My client was not interested in HTTP, or Oracle, so neither was pursued. Windev could certainly distiguish it'self by providing a simple solution.

My client looked at Mobi Forms before I came along. They have a store and forward methodology appreantly. I have not looked at it myself. For now I made the investment in WinDev. Compared to Eclipse WinDev is great. Most things in WinDev Mobile Android I can get done pretty fast. That gives me time to work on problems like this data movement.

Bob R.