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Capture Image from Camera
Started by clive.connolly, Aug., 18 2016 10:56 PM - 1 reply
Posted on August, 18 2016 - 10:56 PM
Hi Webdevers, can someone point me in the right direction. I have a mobile website in webdev and I'm looking to capture an image from the camera and insert onto the page. Is it possible in webdev to do this?
Posted on August, 19 2016 - 3:15 PM
Hi Clive
there is a function to do that in HTML 5:


Best regards

Fabrice Harari
International WinDev, WebDev and WinDev mobile Consulting

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More information on http://www.fabriceharari.com

Le 8/18/2016 à 2:56 PM, Clive a écrit :
Hi Webdevers, can someone point me in the right direction. I have a
mobile website in webdev and I'm looking to capture an image from the
camera and insert onto the page. Is it possible in webdev to do this?