Home → WINDEV 2024 → [WD75] Automatic Window Scrolling
[WD75] Automatic Window Scrolling
Started by gavinh, Jun., 25 2003 10:14 AM - 1 reply
Posted on June, 25 2003 - 10:14 AM
How can I get a window to automatically scroll down/up if you tab to a control that is not currently visible.
I have the 'Automatic Scrollbars' setting on which works fine to show the scrollbars but it does not scroll
automatically. The MDI Child form is replicating a paper based form and so is quite long.
Posted on June, 25 2003 - 4:10 PM
Hi Gavin,
Have you had a look at using planes, automatically moving from one to another at the end of the former plane's last field.
This can be set to look like a large form and you can keep header information fixed while you "scroll" the form from plane to plane. Add a couple of buttons for 'next' 'previous' that look at the window's current plane and use that information in a a 'switch' to be active or gray, and move the form along or back.
How can I get a window to automatically scroll down/up if you tab to a control that is not currently visible. I have the 'Automatic Scrollbars' setting on which works fine to show the scrollbars but it does not scroll automatically. The MDI Child form is replicating a paper based form and so is quite long.