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Validation box still in French
Started by mabeaven, Jun., 05 2003 8:57 PM - 3 replies
Posted on June, 05 2003 - 8:57 PM
Hello all,

I just installed the latest English patch from windev.com. I was hoping this
would convert the remaining French to English. Unfortunately, however, there
are still a few message boxes still in French, namely the record change and
deletion validation boxes. Does anyone know a trick for converting these
message boxes.

Kind Regards,

Posted on June, 06 2003 - 2:26 PM
Nevermind everyone,

I looked a little further past my ASSumption and relaized that the messages
in question were in fact generated in some of the window RAD. I was a little
hasty in blaming the 7.5 version
Posted on June, 06 2003 - 4:38 PM
Nevermind everyone,
I looked a little further past my ASSumption and relaized that the messages

in question were in fact generated in some of the window RAD. I was a little
hasty in blaming the 7.5 version

Hi Marc, I'm a little confused (I know, that's usually normal, but...). Was
the messages generated by the "window RAD" in the current 7.5, from the 7.5
mdl script files? Or was this window of yours a leftover from some prior
coding in earlier 7.5 or 7.0 releases? Looking to see if we need to do some
mdl fixing or not.

Posted on June, 06 2003 - 5:22 PM

The coding was from a validation local procedure generated in an earlier
version of 7.5. I surely should have noticed it earlier, but didn't look
at in the right places

"Art Bonds" <artbonds@cox.net> wrote:

Nevermind everyone,
I looked a little further past my ASSumption and relaized that the messages
in question were in fact generated in some of the window RAD. I was a little

hasty in blaming the 7.5 version

Hi Marc, I'm a little confused (I know, that's usually normal, but...).

>the messages generated by the "window RAD" in the current 7.5, from the
mdl script files? Or was this window of yours a leftover from some prior
coding in earlier 7.5 or 7.0 releases? Looking to see if we need to do some
mdl fixing or not.
