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Date format overwrite - 204ou
Started by joea, Jun., 15 2003 1:56 PM - 1 reply
Posted on June, 15 2003 - 1:56 PM
We had date formats specified as multilingual, using xx/xx/xxxx for English speaking countries and xx.xx.xxxx for some others. With the new version 204ou, as long as one does not touch the date, it will stay ok; if a date is called up in edit mode, the system will automatically force all multilingual formats of the date to xx/xx/xxxx which of course is a nuisance. If one then goes and manually sets some of the date formats to xx.xx.xxxx the system will display or print the date for ex. as "14 06 2003" which is also a nuisance.
Funnily, the system does not act like this right away in the first 5 or 10 minutes after starting WD, but always after a short while it will act like this.
We're running WD75 under Windows 2000.
There used to be a similar problem some 5 or 6 months back with multilingual field names (the 1st field name specified would automatically go into all the others for the other languages), the present problem looks oddly similar.
Anybody have a suggestion, anybody have the same problem?
Best regards,
Posted on June, 18 2003 - 4:00 PM
Hi Joe,
We had date formats specified as multilingual, using xx/xx/xxxx for English
speaking countries and xx.xx.xxxx for some others. With the new version
204ou, as long as one does not touch the date, it will stay ok; if a date is >called up in edit mode, the system will automatically force all multilingual
formats of the date to xx/xx/xxxx which of course is a nuisance. If one then

It is a bit like a PcSoft reply :-) but i tried and can not reproduce
this, but maybe i do not do exactly what you do ... ?
Funnily, the system does not act like this right away in the first 5 or 10
minutes after starting WD, but always after a short while it will act like

Overheating or goblins ?
Sorry i can not help more ...
