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[WD75] Sorting Columns in Table
Started by patrick, Jun., 19 2003 1:26 PM - 1 reply
Posted on June, 19 2003 - 1:26 PM
i have a table that contains 10 columns, some of these columns are Text, Date or Numeric Types. These columns can be sorted by clicking on the header of the column. But I also have 3 comboboxes in the column, that are used to display the data from related files. The data is displayed correctly, but i can't figure out how to make it possible to sort these columns the same way as i can do it with the others.
Any suggestions ?
Best regards,
Posted on June, 19 2003 - 8:01 PM
i have a table that contains 10 columns, some of these columns are Text, Date
or Numeric Types. These columns can be sorted by clicking on the header of
the column. But I also have 3 comboboxes in the column, that are used to
display the data from related files. The data is displayed correctly, but i
can't figure out how to make it possible to sort these columns the same way
as i can do it with the others.
Any suggestions ?

Make the properties of the combo a 'sorted list' ?
(If not sorted list then you get the sort on listindex)
