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[SaaS 2025] Problems with creating the apk or aab
Started by ARV, Feb., 20 2025 5:38 PM - 5 replies
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511 messages
Posted on February, 20 2025 - 5:38 PM

I'm quite having a hard time trying to get my apks, what I can tell is this
Android have update his API just to make sure to have android 15, for some reason
my windev stop working when I update it tells me the JDK 11 TO 16 doesn't exist
I search on the web and the JDK is up to 23.
I try to update my JDK my gandle and my Android SDK
but windev could not use the 23JDK it tells me to be 11 or 16
I donwload the 16 version but the latest gandle (for obvious reasons) doesn't work
leaving me without having my apk

I don't know what else I could do... Maybe if I do not use the automated version of JDK, and gandle and Android SDK should work? to be proper to just generated my apk?

Has anyone have the same problem?
Please HELP

I will try to send this issue to PCSoft when I have everything done (almost) I try tu uninstall and install everything and see if that work.

Best Regards
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3,561 messages
Posted on February, 20 2025 - 7:17 PM
Il y a une différence entre open jdk et le jdk de oracle
Windev mobile à besoin du open jdk 16 au minimum
Mais propose aussi le open jdk 17 sur sa dernière version
Le gradle sera alors en 8.9 comme l'indique le fichier XML
De l'installation automatique des outils Android par windev mobile

Je te conseille de désinstaller tous tes jdk , gradle et SDK ( sauvegarde avant ton gradle et SDK)

Laisse Android faire l'installation automatique puis réessaye

There is a difference between open jdk and oracle jdk
Windev mobile needs open jdk 16 at least
But also offers open jdk 17 on its latest version
The gradle will then be in 8.9 as indicated in the XML file
From the automatic installation of Android tools by windev mobile

I advise you to uninstall all your jdk, gradle and SDK (backup before your gradle and SDK)

Let Android do the automatic installation then try again
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511 messages
Posted on February, 20 2025 - 9:05 PM
Hi Popoy

I do what you tell me and it's still doesn't work

Now I have problems with the gandle, first time was unable to delete some files, because I already have
the files I copy and paste it on the path windev needs it and now it launch me this error:

Error creating the  Android application.

Command line: "C:\PC SOFT\WINDEV Suite SaaS 2025\Personal\Android\OpenJDK\bin\java.exe" -Duser.dir="C:\My Projects\RA-movil\Android\dbg" "-Dorg.gradle.appname=C:\My Projects\RA-movil\Android\dbg" -classpath "C:\PC SOFT\WINDEV Suite SaaS 2025\Personal\Android\Gradle\lib\gradle-launcher-8.9.jar" org.gradle.launcher.GradleMain assembleDebug -b "C:\My Projects\RA-movil\Android\dbg\build.gradle"

Error returned:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org

Not so sure about this...

What I'm sure about this, if I have the first version of Windev SaaS (ver. 01A300045g) works great
but when I update my windev SaaS to the update 1 (ver. 01A301022) then all problems are a float.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong I will send a ticket to PCSoft, but for now I will be only develope on first version of SaaS until this works

Best Regards
Registered member
511 messages
Posted on February, 22 2025 - 4:57 PM
Hi everyone

Ok I solve it, first I contact PCSoft Technical support but first I will tell you the crucial part

YOU NEED TO DELETE ALL FILES YOU DONWLOAD, everything if you use openjdk delete it, if you use Java JDK delete it everything.

Now with the solution.
They tell me to delete the Android file on my path where my windev is installed then generate the apk again and let the donwload handle everything, with this, should be solve the problem.

Best Regards
Posted on February, 24 2025 - 1:26 AM
ARV wrote:
Hi everyone

Ok I solve it, first I contact PCSoft Technical support but first I will tell you the crucial part

YOU NEED TO DELETE ALL FILES YOU DONWLOAD, everything if you use openjdk delete it, if you use Java JDK delete it everything.

Now with the solution.
They tell me to delete the Android file on my path where my windev is installed then generate the apk again and let the donwload handle everything, with this, should be solve the problem.

Best Regards

Hi - I can not get any of my Android apps to compile in version 01A301022 (2025 update 1), same error on all
Execution failed for task ':bundleReleaseResources'.
> A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.res.Aapt2ProcessResourcesRunnable
> Android resource linking failed
aapt2.exe E 02-24 11:17:47 5648 8092 LoadedArsc.cpp:94] RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE entry offsets overlap actual entry data.

This looks the same as your fault ARV - I have deleted Android\gen folder, uninstalled Java SDK and using the automatically downloaded tools/SDK in WinDev.

Anything else I can do to fix this?
Registered member
511 messages
Posted on February, 24 2025 - 3:39 PM
Hi Jared Clark,

This should sound obvious but. Did you restart?
Your error it's quite unique. Did you try to send a technical support?
The error sound more like something it's overlap like over their limits, are you sure you are not using a control os data that could be over his limits?

I'm not sure what more I can tell you I'm sorry...

Best Regards