Inicio → WINDEV Mobile 2024 → FTP using FTPES
Iniciado por GS IT, 30,sep. 2023 10:27 - 1 respuesta
Publicado el 30,septiembre 2023 - 10:27

We are using Windev Mobile 28 and the following code. It works when we are on the same network as the FTP server but externally we get a timeout. We have tried increasing the timeout but that seems to be ignored.

Externally the ftp connection does work with tools like Filezilla but Filezilla prompts to trust the connection.

If we comment out the FTp.Ignore error, it does not connect. We have tried both on Android and IOS. Anyone have any ideas.

Quite simply we need to send picture files from a mobile device to a server. Is there any other recommended way to do this?

xnum is int
FTP.IgnoreError = ftpIgnoreExpiredCertificate + ftpIgnoreInvalidCertificate + ...
ftpIgnoreInvalidCertificateName + ftpIgnoreRevocation
xnum = FTPConnect("ftpes://My_Server_IP", "My_User", "My_Password", 21, True)
IF xnum =-1 THEN
Publicado el 03,octubre 2023 - 15:32
We have done more testing.

These are our findings

ftpes - works with every other application (online, mobile or windows) apart from Windev mobile - testing on Android App where it times out. I think this is something to do with ignoring certificates not working correctly.

ftpes - works on the internal network (same network as the FTP server) with Windev mobile.

ftp - this works with Windev mobile - testing on Android App regardless on and off the network.

We have a self signed certificate and are using filezilla ftp server. How do we get Windev mobile to accept the self signed certificate. We can then test ftpes with that option but cannot find any example code instead of ignoring the certificate.

The work around is to use ftp, but that is not the best really.