Accueil → WINDEV 2024 → Zebra Windows SDK, Barcode Scanning Callback
Zebra Windows SDK, Barcode Scanning Callback
Débuté par Riebens, 12 déc. 2024 15:33 - 7 réponses
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Posté le 12 décembre 2024 - 15:33
Hi All

I need help finding the correct method to call to register a callback event for the barcode scanning.

There is a Callback registered in Visual Studio for Scanning:
// Add barcode data event handler
coreScannerObject.BarcodeEvent += CoreScannerObject_BarcodeEvent;

In Visual Studio the Code is: ( shortened)

// Initialize CoreScanner COM object
CoreScanner.CCoreScanner coreScannerObject = new CCoreScanner();
// Open CoreScanner COM Object
coreScannerObject.Open(appHandle, // Application handle
scannerTypes, // Array of scanner types
NumberOfScannerTypes, // Length of scanner types array
out status); // Command execution success/failure return status
// Call register for events
coreScannerObject.ExecCommand(opCode, // Opcode: Register for events
ref inXml, // Input XML
out outXml, // Output XML
out status); // Command execution success/failure return status
// Add barcode data event handler
coreScannerObject.BarcodeEvent += CoreScannerObject_BarcodeEvent;

In WinDev I have :
// Initialize CoreScanner object
MyRfIdReader is CCoreScannerClass
// Open CoreScanner Object
// Call register for events
// Add barcode data event handler

My Problem is that coreScannerObject.BarcodeEvent += CoreScannerObject_BarcodeEvent; does not work in WinDev, so I tried the find the BarcodeEvent Propperty filling Event, but it seems to be virtual Classes, and I cannot seem to Find The correct one to use.

coreScannerObject.BarcodeEvent seems to point to event _ICoreScannerEvents_BarcodeEventEventHandler BarcodeEvent.

I tried using "_ICoreScannerEvents_BarcodeEventEventHandler" but there are many methods to call, and most of them also seems virtualized.

I need help with which method to call to actually register a callback for when barcodes are scanned ( as a non .NET developer)

Kind Regards

Ben Dell
Riebens Computers Pty Ltd
Southern Africa PcSoft Distributor
PcSoft Sales, Support and Training
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85 messages
Posté le 12 décembre 2024 - 15:54

If I try
PRS is _ICoreScannerEvents_BarcodeEventEventHandler dynamic
MyRfIdReader.BarcodeEvent += PRS.Equals("CoreScannerObject_BarcodeEvent")

I get the error:
Dynamic .NET object 'PRS' not created.

And the Programname.dll is not compiled

Kind regards

Ben Dell
Riebens Computers Pty Ltd
Southern Africa PcSoft Distributor
PcSoft Sales, Support and Training
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177 messages
Posté le 12 décembre 2024 - 18:51

I see your problem, you want to scan a barcode from an application, I have a solution for you

1. You will need to save a photo, then you scan this photo

You will need to code this program which you can use

// EDD (12/24): You will need to create four fields
// EDD (12/24): Two button fields: New | Scan
// EDD (12/24): One barcode field: CDB
// EDD (12/24): One image field

// EDD (12/24): New button click event
cbCode is CodeBarres
dhDay_Hour is DateHeure
sString is string
sRepertoire is string = fRepExe() + "\Barcode"
IF fRepExiste(sRepertoire) = False THEN
//1 : Description
//2 : Annuler
SELON Saisie("Enter the description barcode please.", sString)
CAS 1 : // Description
IF NoSpace(sString) = "" THEN
Info("The barcode is empty.")
CAS 2 : // Annuler
Info("You are cancel the barcode.")
dhDay_Hour = DateHeureSys()
cbCode..Contenu = sString
cbCode..TypeContenu = cbTypeTexte
cbCode..TypeCodeBarres = CB_CODABAR
CDB = cbCode
IF dSauveImagePNG(CDB, sRepertoire + "\Scan_" + Left(dhDay_Hour, 14)) = False THEN // EDD (12/24) : Information save "...\Code_Barre\Scan_20241212201400.png"
Info("The barcode is save in the database.")

EDD (12/24): Scan button click event
sDossier is string
sRepertoire is string = fRepExe() + "\Barcode"
IF fRepExiste(sRepertoire) = False THEN
sDossier = fSélecteur(sRepertoire, "Fichier.png", "Sélectionner the picture", "Fichier picture (*.PNG)" + TAB + "*.png", "png")
IMG_Barcode = ""
IF sDossier <> "" THEN
IMG_Barcode = sDossier

NB : webographie : https://translate.google.com/

Best regards
Niry Aina Eddy
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177 messages
Posté le 12 décembre 2024 - 18:54

: Barcode Backup Reading

: Barcode Scan Reading
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85 messages
Posté le 13 décembre 2024 - 08:21

The question was a specific callback issue with Zebra Core Scanner .NET module for RFID scanning.

Kind Regards

Ben Dell
Riebens Computers Pty Ltd
Southern Africa PcSoft Distributor
PcSoft Sales, Support and Training
Membre enregistré
177 messages
Posté le 13 décembre 2024 - 16:00

I see your request, I do not know how to code on the .NET language so I cannot give a solution on .NET, but I gave you a solution in WLanguage which is already operational

I could give you a solution on WLanguage on barcodes, I mean on the creation of barcodes up to the scan

NB: You will have to choose between the Windows platform and between the mobile platform

Best Regards
Niry Aina Eddy
Posté le 24 janvier 2025 - 11:37

Can I also use this in Windev Mobile version 24 (not version 2024 but certainly 24)


Posté le 29 janvier 2025 - 20:38
Feedback :

Ended up having some C# code in the procedure doing the callback where DotNetDelegate() failed to compile, the c# code compiles...

Kind Regards
