Zebra Windows SDK, Barcode Scanning Callback
Débuté par Riebens, 12 déc. 2024 15:33 - 7 réponses
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Posté le 12 décembre 2024 - 15:33
Hi All I need help finding the correct method to call to register a callback event for the barcode scanning. There is a Callback registered in Visual Studio for Scanning: // Add barcode data event handler coreScannerObject.BarcodeEvent += CoreScannerObject_BarcodeEvent; In Visual Studio the Code is: ( shortened) // Initialize CoreScanner COM object CoreScanner.CCoreScanner coreScannerObject = new CCoreScanner(); // Open CoreScanner COM Object coreScannerObject.Open(appHandle, // Application handle scannerTypes, // Array of scanner types NumberOfScannerTypes, // Length of scanner types array out status); // Command execution success/failure return status // Call register for events coreScannerObject.ExecCommand(opCode, // Opcode: Register for events ref inXml, // Input XML out outXml, // Output XML out status); // Command execution success/failure return status // Add barcode data event handler coreScannerObject.BarcodeEvent += CoreScannerObject_BarcodeEvent; In WinDev I have : // Initialize CoreScanner object MyRfIdReader is CCoreScannerClass // Open CoreScanner Object MyRfIdReader.Open(0,arrScannerTypes,nNumberOfScannerTypes,nStatus) // Call register for events MyRfIdReader.ExecCommand(nOpCode,pInXml,pInXml,nStatus) // Add barcode data event handler MyRfIdReader.add_BarcodeEvent(DotNetDelegate("CoreScannerObject_BarcodeEvent","_ICoreScannerEvents_BarcodeEventEventHandler")) My Problem is that coreScannerObject.BarcodeEvent += CoreScannerObject_BarcodeEvent; does not work in WinDev, so I tried the find the BarcodeEvent Propperty filling Event, but it seems to be virtual Classes, and I cannot seem to Find The correct one to use. coreScannerObject.BarcodeEvent seems to point to event _ICoreScannerEvents_BarcodeEventEventHandler BarcodeEvent. I tried using "_ICoreScannerEvents_BarcodeEventEventHandler" but there are many methods to call, and most of them also seems virtualized. I need help with which method to call to actually register a callback for when barcodes are scanned ( as a non .NET developer) Kind Regards -- Ben Dell Riebens Computers Pty Ltd Southern Africa PcSoft PcSoft Sales, Support and Training
Membre enregistré 85 messages
Posté le 12 décembre 2024 - 15:54
Further If I try PRS is _ICoreScannerEvents_BarcodeEventEventHandler dynamic MyRfIdReader.BarcodeEvent += PRS.Equals("CoreScannerObject_BarcodeEvent") I get the error: Dynamic .NET object 'PRS' not created. And the Programname.dll is not compiled Kind regards -- Ben Dell Riebens Computers Pty Ltd Southern Africa PcSoft PcSoft Sales, Support and Training
Membre enregistré 177 messages
Posté le 12 décembre 2024 - 18:51
Hello I see your problem, you want to scan a barcode from an application, I have a solution for you 1. You will need to save a photo, then you scan this photo You will need to code this program which you can use // EDD (12/24): You will need to create four fields // EDD (12/24): Two button fields: New | Scan // EDD (12/24): One barcode field: CDB // EDD (12/24): One image field // EDD (12/24): New button click event LOCAL cbCode is CodeBarres dhDay_Hour is DateHeure sString is string sRepertoire is string = fRepExe() + "\Barcode" IF fRepExiste(sRepertoire) = False THEN fRepCrée(sRepertoire) END //1 : Description //2 : Annuler SELON Saisie("Enter the description barcode please.", sString) CAS 1 : // Description IF NoSpace(sString) = "" THEN Info("The barcode is empty.") RETOUR END CAS 2 : // Annuler Info("You are cancel the barcode.") RETOUR FIN dhDay_Hour = DateHeureSys() cbCode..Contenu = sString cbCode..TypeContenu = cbTypeTexte cbCode..TypeCodeBarres = CB_CODABAR CDB = cbCode IF dSauveImagePNG(CDB, sRepertoire + "\Scan_" + Left(dhDay_Hour, 14)) = False THEN // EDD (12/24) : Information save "...\Code_Barre\Scan_20241212201400.png" Info(ErreurInfo(errComplet)) ELSE Info("The barcode is save in the database.") END EDD (12/24): Scan button click event LOCAL sDossier is string sRepertoire is string = fRepExe() + "\Barcode" IF fRepExiste(sRepertoire) = False THEN fRepCrée(sRepertoire) END sDossier = fSélecteur(sRepertoire, "Fichier.png", "Sélectionner the picture", "Fichier picture (*.PNG)" + TAB + "*.png", "png") IMG_Barcode = "" IF sDossier <> "" THEN IMG_Barcode = sDossier END NB : webographie : Best regards Mr.RATSIMANDRESY Niry Aina Eddy
Membre enregistré 177 messages
Posté le 12 décembre 2024 - 18:54
: Barcode Backup Reading : Barcode Scan Reading
Membre enregistré 85 messages
Posté le 13 décembre 2024 - 08:21
Dear Mr.RATSIMANDRESY The question was a specific callback issue with Zebra Core Scanner .NET module for RFID scanning. Kind Regards -- Ben Dell Riebens Computers Pty Ltd Southern Africa PcSoft PcSoft Sales, Support and Training
Membre enregistré 177 messages
Posté le 13 décembre 2024 - 16:00
Hello I see your request, I do not know how to code on the .NET language so I cannot give a solution on .NET, but I gave you a solution in WLanguage which is already operational I could give you a solution on WLanguage on barcodes, I mean on the creation of barcodes up to the scan NB: You will have to choose between the Windows platform and between the mobile platform Best Regards Mr.RATSIMANDRESY Niry Aina Eddy
Posté le 24 janvier 2025 - 11:37
Hello, Can I also use this in Windev Mobile version 24 (not version 2024 but certainly 24) Thanks. Willy
Posté le 29 janvier 2025 - 20:38
Feedback : Ended up having some C# code in the procedure doing the callback where DotNetDelegate() failed to compile, the c# code compiles... Kind Regards Ben