Forum consacré à WINDEV (version en cours), en anglais
« I'm trying to add a HF field to a string. The HF table name is passed as parameter, the field name is declared as a string Variable. mystring=pTable.sColName results in an error "s… »
Débuté le 07 jan. 2005 par
« We are looking to build an application for our field reps and would like to utilize the Hyper File database for the remote users but need to sync their data back to corporate runni… »
Débuté le 05 jan. 2005 par
« Are there HF equivalents of tablecount() and TableEnumColumn(). Ways to get these values? I want to use them as in the tabletotext() procedure from the WD table export example to … »
Débuté le 06 jan. 2005 par
« I have a form that opens another form through open(form2). In the form1 there is a combo box which contains countrycodes. In the second form country can be created. I add a button … »
Débuté le 04 jan. 2005 par
« Hello, Can you help me in order to put a time field, in a window, with automatic time update but without using the timer() function. Thanks in advance. Br Marcelino… »
Débuté le 05 jan. 2005 par
« This is my problem: i have about 5000 PDF-files which i got from a cutomer. Those files represent 1 page each. I should be able to print them out in a certain order. The order is n… »
Débuté le 06 jan. 2005 par
« I have code that gives the expected results but looking at the trace results I started to doubt if my HBuildKeyValue code was actually working. A trace of for example Hkeybuildval… »
Débuté le 06 jan. 2005 par
Aucune réponse
« Hi all, first a happy newyear to all of you. Does anyone know how to retrieve the path of example excel.exe by using calldll32. This is what I got, but it give me a result of -1 an… »
Débuté le 04 jan. 2005 par
« After reading that, you'll know why to use WinDev! Is this interview for real? Unbelievable ... A Happy New Year! Make money with WinDev! Lots of money! Guenter Bjarne Stroustrup… »
Débuté le 02 jan. 2005 par
4 réponses
« I want to re-initialise a combo box everytime i come in the "entry of " event . It is a combo box based on a file. The combobox has 2 columns (table radio button). Because the comb… »
Débuté le 04 jan. 2005 par